Why a 12-Step List?

You may be asking what is a 12-Step list?

This list is a list of volunteers who have stepped forward to support newcomers to the Fellowship or members who are struggling and who need extra support. The current members on the list have identified themselves as willing to be a contact for people who are in need of assistance. They are people who have experienced the struggle of having an eating disorder and who have recovered using the ABA Program.

We are looking for more volunteers to add to this list.

We aim to have a good representation of volunteers across the globe. We are an international organization and wish to be able to connect newcomers and others with people who live in their general area. We are requesting that you look inside yourself and determine if you would be willing to serve as a contact for those who need help.

If this is something that you feel you are able to do, please contact Kheri at the office (gsaoffice@12steps.org) to provide your name, phone number, and email address. Please identify yourself as someone willing to serve on the 12-Step list.

Thank you so much for considering this important position.

The General Service Association of ABA

The list is NOT going to be put on the website. It is a private list for people that contact the main office directly asking for extra support.