GSR Committee


The General Service Representatives’ Committee of Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous (ABA) is a freestanding body of all General Service Representatives (GSRs) elected by ABA Groups worldwide. It functions as the unified voice of the collective conscience of ABA as a whole, assuming full responsibility for all world service endeavors of ABA. To implement ABA’s primary purpose—outreach to still-suffering anorexics and bulimics everywhere—it guides and directs in a cooperative manner its trusted servant,  the General Service Association of ABA.

We are looking for more volunteers to add to the 12 Step list.

The current members on the list have identified themselves as willing to be a contact for people who are in need of assistance. They are people who have experienced the struggle of having an eating disorder and who have recovered using the ABA Program. For more information, please click here.

To read the Terms of Reference for this Committee please click here.

June GSR minutes

Good morning, all. We hope this finds you well in this new year.

We, the Board, wanted to reach out to the Fellowship to talk about the purpose of General Service Representatives (GSRs) and why they are so important.

First, GSRs provide an essential service to the meetings and groups of ABA.


  • To function as the unified group conscience of ABA as a whole in all matters pertaining to ABA’s primary purpose—service to the still-suffering anorexic and bulimic at the world level.
  • To develop and maintain two-way communication between ABA Groups and the General Service Association (GSA) of ABA.
  • To serve as a respectful and cooperative guide and director to the GSA in all matters of importance to the Fellowship of ABA as a whole.
  • To work with the Treasurer of the GSA in ensuring that ABA remains fully self-supporting at every level.
  • To adhere to ABA’s 12 Traditions in all matters.

As you can see, these trusted servants are vital to the organization, especially the Fellowship. 12 step organizations don’t have the same business structure that the rest of the world does. We are ‘upside down’ in terms of structure as compared to most organizations. What does this mean?

This means that you, the Fellowship, are at the top, not the board. You are the guiding force of the organization. The GSR of your group is the fellowship’s voice that brings questions and concerns to the GSR committee who, in turn, informs the board. Without GSRs, the board would be out of touch with what the Fellowship feels is important. It is crucial that meetings and groups have GSRs in order to speak to what they want in terms of ABA.

The board would like to encourage you, as a Fellowship, to ensure that each of your groups has a GSR, to make sure that your voice is heard and represented. As mentioned above, GSRs are indispensable and we don’t want you to be without this valuable resource. If your meeting or group does not have one, please consider stepping forward to serve in this manner.

Thank you for trusting us with the service we provide to you. Please continue to communicate with us by utilizing your GSRs.

Yours in service,

The Board of ABA