We need your shares!
The ABA Australia meeting has started recording their workshops and speakers ???? We’ve also started an Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast on Spotify so that we may reach those who are still suffering.
We’d like to add to this growing list, and hope that you’ll join us!
Simply send us a recording of your share and we’ll upload it!
Below are some guidelines to help you:
- Always ask the person sharing if it’s ok to record them, and if it’s ok to share their share via WhatsApp and the podcast.
- Only ever share your first name – anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles above personalities. We do this to remain anonymous and as a safeguard against big shot-ism ????
How to Record a Share
There are two ways to record a share:
- Using your smart phone
- Using Zoom
Using your Smart Phone to Record
- Open the Recorder app on your smart phone. (If you can’t see the app on your home screen or app drawer, tap Settings > Apps, then search for Voice Recorder / Recorder / Voice Memos)
- Place the phone on a surface where it won’t be moved (the Recorder picks up movement, which affects the sound quality)
- Push the red button to start recording (ideally before the speaker starts talking).
- Push the red button to stop recording and name/save the recording.
- Email the recorded share to Lou at yogi-lou@bigpond.net.au
Using Zoom to record (on PC/Windows/Apple)
- Only the host and co-host can record. You will need the host code to claim host.
- To claim host, click on participants and then scroll to the bottom far right and click on “Claim Host”. Enter the host code.
- Once you’ve claimed host, click on one of the following icons at the bottom of your screen. Based on your screen format you can either click on:
- “Record”, or
- “More” (the last icon on the bottom right with three horizontal dots above it)
- Click on “More” and three options will appear. Click on “Record to this computer”
- “Recording in process” will be heard by all participants.
- To stop the recording, either click on “More” and “Stop recording”, or go to the top left of the screen and push the white square to the right of the “Recording” banner
- “Recording stopped” will be heard by all participants.
- A banner will appear at the top right of the screen stating, “The recorded file will be converted to mp4 when the meeting ends.” You don’t need to do anything at this stage.
- Once the meeting ends, a banner will appear stating, “Convert meeting recording”. You don’t need to do anything- just allow it to convert.
- The recording should pop up automatically in “File Explorer” (the yellow file icon. The recording should be saved under Documents/Zoom.) There will be 4 files from that recording. We are looking for the audio file.
- Rename the folder with the person’s first name only and type of share, e.g. Sally 7 year sobriety share, Amy shares her experience, strength and hope for the Newcomer, etc.
- It would be helpful if you could write a little blurb about the share, although this is not essential, e.g. Sally speaks about how she got sober from bulimia 5 years ago using the tools of ABA. Amy speaks about her battle with exercise and how she had to surrender all control before she could get sober from anorexia.
- Email the recorded share to Lou at yogi-lou@bigpond.net.au