Recordings Are Ready

Are you looking for the recordings for the 2021 Retreat: Unity Around The World or Service Workshop or the Meditation? They are now available on our website. You can find them here. Click here to view.

September Meditation 2017

“We fervently believed that if only we could work through the abandonment issues in our childhood well enough, or could process the pain of our sexual abuse fully enough, or could resolve our enmeshment issues with our mothers thoroughly enough,…

August Meditation 2017

“One of these defects was perfectionism.[8] Nearly all of us set impossibly high standards for ourselves and, when we failed to measure up, felt like dismal failures.” Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous, p. 51. Before I joined the ABA Fellowship, I…

July Meditation 2017

“Everything is a gift and gratitude is the discipline of knowing that, rather than the warm and mellow feeling that may or may not accompany our knowing.” Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous, p. 150. I used to be grateful only when…

June Meditation 2017

“The fact that we did not believe in prayer was irrelevant to its efficacy. The fact that we did not believe in God was irrelevant to God’s love for us and desire to bless us with sobriety. All that was…

May Meditation 2017

“The most awesome aspect of our rebirth into lives of peaceful sobriety and usefulness is that such restoration came about through encountering a Higher Power who regarded us as valuable before we ever sobered up, a Power who loved us…