
If you or someone you know has an eating disorder, please come and check us out, or call one of the available contacts for more information.

There are no leaders in our fellowship; all of us are equals and have an equal voice. No one is required to speak.

When our website lists a group at their request, there is an informal agreement that the group will abide by ABA’s 12 Traditions and keep its door open to any ABA member.

There are two types of meetings:

1.) Open Meeting – open to anyone interested in finding out about ABA
2.) Closed Meeting – only open to ABA members or those with eating disorder

*Listings in this directory do not constitute approval of a group’s manner of practicing the ABA program.

**ABA is not allied or affiliated with any virtual conferencing providers; neither does ABA endorse or oppose any of these providers. Each meeting and group is autonomous and may utilize a virtual meeting service of its own choosing.

AB-anon For family and friends of Anorexics and Bulimics

There is a fellowship for family and friends of those suffering from an eating disorder; ABA-non. The following is the information and contact person:

The time of the meetings is Thursday afternoons 12 pm EST

Zoom meeting
ID: 89829319770
Passcode: 779140


Phone: +1 (978) 5580033

Phone: 00447411075874